Teamwork & Friendship

“What am I going to do today? Do I have some friends I can do something with?” Many men have been asked this by someone or ask it of themselves.

The Elgin Area Men’s Shed provides a pressure-free and comfortable environment for seniors, primarily men, to gather, socialize and work on various projects in and for their local communities, make new friends, share life experiences and skills and have fun. We are individuals with different life experiences, yet our Shed addresses many common needs as do other Men’s Sheds throughout the world. Men’s Sheds are informal in approach and welcome seniors from all walks of life, whatever their backgrounds.

Projects & Events

The Elgin Area Men’s Shed is a group comprised of individuals whose idea of using our time in a creative and socially interactive way is appealing. We work on projects we like, some for ourselves, many for our communities. Oftentimes, we just hangout sharing stories, learning new skills, honing old ones, and pursuing hobbies. We go on outings to areas or places of interest, play billiards, go on bike rides, play cards and games, and/or just have a meal or a cup of coffee together.

We strive to include all and to get to know each other by working “Shoulder to Shoulder”. Naturally, as men do, we increase our bond by being ourselves and razzing and teasing each other.